BOLD fMRI Workshops
About This Workshop
Each year a BOLD fMRI hands-on workshop is offered in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.
This workshop will provide a didactic review of clinical fMRI and a practical step-by-step post-processing and data presentation of BOLD fMRI of both task based language and sensory-motor cortex and resting state studies using MATLAB with SPM12 and CONN toolbox software.
Target Audience This CME activity is intended to educate neuroradiologists, neuroradiology fellows, cognitive neuroscientists and MR technologists. The workshop is intended for those with beginner level fMRI experience.
Educational Objectives Attendees should, at the completion of this workshop, be able to perform the following:
• Preprocessing of BOLD fMRI Data
• Realignment/Coregistration
• Spatial Normalization
• Smoothing Single Subject Analysis
• Model Specification
• Model Estimation
• Visualization of the BOLD fMRI Data Resting State fMRI
• Preprocessing of Resting state data
• Post processing strategies
Hardware/Software Requirements Registrants are required to bring to the workshop their own laptop with a minimum 2G of RAM and 10G of hard disk space. The machines should have preloaded SPM12 and MATLAB software prior to the workshop. DICOM BOLD fMRI practice data sets will be available at the workshop. All registrants will be given instructions on downloading SPM12 and the 15-day free MATLAB license prior to the workshop.
More details on the 2022 session to follow!