Call for Submissions for ASFNR-LMSA Joint Award
The American Society of Functional Neuroradiology (ASFNR) and the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) are proud to announce a joint award for members of the LMSA.
This scholarship will provide $4000 to the awardee to cover travel and accommodations to attend the 2024 ASFNR and 2025 LMSA annual meetings. Free registration to the 2024 ASFNR and 2025 LMSA meetings will be provided. ASFNR will assign a mentor to the awardee to provide professional development advice for the duration of the award. A project (research, educational, quality improvement, etc) related to the field of functional brain imaging is encouraged but not required. LMSA members with an interest in the brain imaging sciences are encouraged to apply for this unique opportunity.
ASFNR LMSA Joint Award Details
Eligibility: Under-represented medical students with interest in radiology and with current membership in LMSA.
Applications due March 1, 2024.
Awardee will be notified by March 29, 2024.
The applicant must be a member of the LMSA.
The awardee will first attend the ASFNR meeting, and any remaining funds can be used to offset the cost of attending the LMSA meeting.
The awardee will give a 15 minute presentation at the LMSA meeting on either their project or their experience as an awardee.
The awardee will be expected to author a short article for the LMSA newsletter upon completion of the scholarship.
The awardee may be asked to provide content for the LMSA web blog.